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Health benefits of drinking water

You can survive for 50-60 days without eating anything but just drinking water as long as you do not do any work. However, it is rare to find someone surviving past 10 days without eating and at the same time not drinking water.

Quick facts about water.
1. Liquid at room temperature.
2. Its quantity on Earth is constant.
3. About 60% of adult body is comprised of water.
4. Human blood is about 90% water.
5. Dehydration can lead to wrinkling.
6. About 70% of the earth is covered by water.
Chemical formula :- H2O

Health benefits

1. Lubricates the joints.

Cartilages and ligaments experience motion every now and then. The friction caused by this motion can  wear the joint tissues and accelerate illnesses like athritis and gout. Water will act like a lubricant and enable easy bending of joints without straining the tissues.

2. Facilitates weight loss

Drinking water before meals will create a false satisfaction and your belly will be okay after eating very little. Eating the little food will help you to attain your weight loss goals.

3.Regulates body temperature.

Through sweating, the body is able to control its temperature well. But the major constituent of sweat is water hence without it the body will not be able to control its temperature properly.

4. Facilitates digestion.

It makes the food to be watery and this will aid in easy passage in the gut. Furthermore, it makes it easy for enzymes to act on food as it can be easily turned. It also facilitates absoption of food as it avails food for absorption in a better form. Drinking water also helps to prevent constipation.

5. Flushes out body wastes

Apart from regulating body temperature, sweating detoxifies the body by aiding in removal of excessive salts and other body wastes. This is why you feel fresh when you shower after exercising. Water will also flush out wastes from the kidney like sodium salts. This is evident when you pass straw urine.

6. Maintains good levels of body fluids.

About 90% of all body fluids is water. Essential fluids like mucus, digestive juices, semen and saliva simply contain water hence if you lack enough water prepare for the consequences that comes with malfunction of parts that depend on these fluids.

 7. Boosts skin health and beauty.

One of the reasons why skin wrinkles and age quickly is due to lack of enough water in the cells. If you love using skin softening products, do this simple experiment: For a week, avoid the products and drink the recommended daily water intake or even surpass it. You will realize that the skin is revitalizing on its own.

8. Prevents hangovers

Hangover is simply the unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol. Alcohol is diuretic hence leads to dehydration. Though dehydration doesn't  chiefly cause hangovers, it will lead to thirst, fatigue and dry mouth. These will aggrevate the hangover. To control this, drink a glass of water between drinks and before sleeping.

9. Boosts physical performance.

Intense sweating occurs during exercises . Sweating leads to dehydration hence drinking enough water before exercises will therefore increase your physical activity tolerance and morale.

10. Helps to prevent and treat headaches.

No worse feeling like having headaches when thirsty. This shows the relationship between the two. Though it doesn't cause all headaches, it's responsible for the one that results from dehydration. Drinking water when having headaches will reduce its duration and intensity.

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