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Showing posts from October, 2019

Health benefits of watermelons

Watermelon is a huge fruit with red succulent endocarp. It's seeds are also edible and are believed to contain zinc which increases fertility. One watermelon can serve an entire family hence eliminates chances of some members not being given their share. Suppose you are alone and the idea of buying a whole fruit for yourself doesn't go well with you, then opt for roadside vendors who sell sliced watermelons for as low as $0.2 . Quick facts about watermelons . Scientific name: Citrullus lanatus. Origin: Kalahari dessert. Inner colour: Red. Outer colour: Alternation between green and white colour. Plant type: Vine. Abundant content: 92% water. Nutritional content Watermelon flesh, raw Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 127 kJ (30 kcal) Carbohydrates 7.55 g Sugars 6.2 g Dietary fiber 0.4 g Fat 0.15 g Protein 0.61 g Vitamins Quantity %DV † Vitamin A equiv. beta-Carotene 4% ...

Neolife nutritional supplements.

                Buy $13   Cheated Cal Mag. It contains calcium(Ca)  and magnesium (Mg) is made up of egg shell, crab, prawn, snail shell. Research shows that   women lose large amounts of calcium in 5 ways which includes; Menstruation During pregnancy During labor When breastfeeding Hard work during normal working days  Men lose calcium during: intercourse  hardwork in normal working days Pro vitality Buy $25 It is an immune booster. It improves brain power. It stops spreading of cancer. Prevents rheumatism. Eradicates dry skin, wrinkles, eczema in the body. Nourishes cells and bridges dietary gap for easy digestion. Eliminates wastes products and help in nutrient absorption. Slows down aging process.                   Zinc Buy $19.4 It promotes digestion  It keeps the functioning of prostrate gland normal....

How to make aspirin at home.

Making aspirin is very easy and you can actually do it at home but its usability will depend on your accuracy, dosage and level of contamination. You can as well just do it for fun, to sharpen your science skills, to boast to your friends or just to be on the know side. Procedure Weigh 2g of salicylic acid and record the mass. Add 5ml of liquid acetic anhydride. Add 5 drops of concentrated sulphuric (vi) acid to create an acidic environment and to increase reaction rate. Shake and heat in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the color will change to yellow brown. Add 10ml of cold water and shake. Put in cold water bath for 10 minutes to allow aspirin crystals to form. Filter aspirin from the solution by using a buchner funnel and an aspirator.  Sunction from the aspirator creayes partial vacuum that helps to pull water from the funnel. Put filter paper on top of the funnel and sprinkle  very little water on top s...

Why your feet smell after removing shoes and its remedies

The discomfort that comes with stinking feet is beyond imagination and can be a big embarrassment to the victim either from their significant other, friends or family. Therefore, preventing it from occurring is obviously the first thing in your mind. We are going to see how we can avoid this nuisance but first, let's learn why your feet stinks so that we can know its remedies. Why feet smell after removing shoes.   Feet have approximately 250,000 sweat glands. This number is too large and can produce almost a pint of sweat per hot day. Now there are bacteria in your socks, shoes and feet. These bacteria feed on the sweat and break it down thus producing isoverlic acid. This acid is the one responsible for the stinking. Other factors that can make your feet to stink are:  ✓Overwearing shoes. ✓Poor hygiene. ✓Some disease. Remedies ✓Keep your feet and  shoes clean- Cleaning your shoes and feet will rid you of the bacteria that are responsible ...